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Waste Minimization Code List

2 items found, displaying all items.
The facility initiated waste minimization efforts prior to the reporting year and continued these efforts during the reporting year for this hazardous waste
Code Description
B Cont. initiative to recycle waste on- or off-site
A Cont. initiative to reduce qty and/or toxicity

2 items found, displaying all items.
The facility initiated waste minimization efforts during the reporting year for this hazardous waste
Code Description
D Impl. new initiative to recycle on- or off-site
C Impl. new initiative to reduce qty and/or toxicity

2 items found, displaying all items.
The facility examined or attempted waste minimization efforts for this hazardous waste, but determined it was impracticable to implement these efforts; or the facility did not attempt waste minimization efforts for this waste
Code Description
X No waste minimization efforts were implemented
N Efforts economically or technically impracticable