An official website of the United States government.


Trends Analysis

This report allows you to compare the number of sites and quantities (in tons) across report cycles. To produce the trends analysis, select a location and indicate the metric you are interested in analyzing (i.e., generation, management, shipments, or receipts). If you choose the generation metric, you must also specify if you want to show all sites that are included in the National Biennial Report (default), or only sites whose generation quantity meets the threshold of the Federal Large Quantity Generator definition. Optionally, you may also select a 4-digit NAICS code, then click "Submit". Note: If you select "National" for the location, the summary information will be presented for all 58 States and Territories as well as a National summary. If you select a Region for the location, the summary information will be presented for all States and Territories in the Region as well as a Regional summary.